Sanghun Lee
IT & Mobile Communications, Samsung Electronics (2019~)
HDSP Lab, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University (2013~2019)
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University (2007~2013)
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2020 Sanghun Lee, Chulhee Lee
Revisiting Spatial Dropout for Regularizing Convolutional Neural Networks
Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 79, pp. 34195–34207.
Sanghun Lee, Seongyoun Woo, Jaehyoung Yu, Jaejun Seo, Joonwoo Lee, Chulhee Lee
Automated CNN-Based Tooth Segmentation in Cone-beam CT for Dental Implant Planning
IEEE Access, Vol. 8, pp. 50507-50518.
2019 Sangwook Baek, Sanghun Lee, Euisun Choi, Yoonkil Baek, Chulhee Lee
Banknote Simulator for Aging and Soiling Banknotes using Gaussian Models and Perlin Noise
Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 137, pp. 405-419.
Sanghun Lee, Euisun Choi, Yoonkil Baek, Chulhee Lee
Morphology-Based Banknote Fitness Determination
IEEE Access, Vol. 7, pp. 65460-65466.
Sanghun Lee, Seongyoun Woo, Joonwoo Lee, Jaejun Seo, Chulhee Lee
Fully-automatic synthesizing method of dental panoramic radiograph by using internal curve of mandible in dental volumetric CT
Electronic Imaging 2019, Computational Imaging XVII, pp. 148-1-148-7.
2018 Jiheon Ok, Sanghun Lee, Kwon Lee, Soochang Kim, Youngho Kim, Chulhee Lee
Object Recognition for Use in Point-and-link Communication
Information, Intelligence, Systems & Applications (IISA), 2017 8th International Conference on.
2017 Sangwook Baek, Sanghun Lee, Euisun Choi, Yoonkil Baek, Chulhee Lee
Banknote Simulator for Aging and Soiling Banknotes using Gaussian Models and Perlin Noise
Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM), 6th International Conference on.
Sanghun Lee, Sangwook Baek, Euisun Choi, Yoonkil Baek, Chulhee Lee
Soiled Banknote Fitness Determination Based on Morphology and Otsu's Thresholding
Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 2017 IEEE International Conference on, pp. 450-451.
2016 Sanghun Lee, Chulhee Lee
Multiscale Morphology Based Illumination Normalization with Enhanced Local Textures for Face Recognition
Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 62, pp. 347-357.
Sanghun Lee, Chulhee Lee
Noise Tolerant Histogram Voting for Gender Classification Based on LBP
Electronic Imaging 2016, Image Processing: Machine Vision Applications IX.
Sanghun Lee, Chulhee Lee
Illumination Normalization and Skin Color Validation for Robust Face Detection
Electronic Imaging 2016, Computational Imaging XIV.
2014 Sanghun Lee, Soochang Kim, Young-hoon Kim, Chulhee Lee
Face Recognition based on Binary Images for Link Selection
Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), 2014 International Conference on, Vol. 2, pp. 589-593.
Sangwook Lee, Sanghun Lee, Chulhee Lee
Unsupervised Segmentation of Hyperspectral Images Based on Dominent Edges
Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), 2014 International Conference on, Vol. 1, pp. 588-592.